Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Founder of Business

Founder of Apple Computers – Steve Jobs

Steve jobs 

Founder of Artificial Intelligence – John McCarthy

Founder of Bluetooth – Ericsson

Father of Computer – Charles Babbage

Father of ‘C’ Language – Dennis Ritchie
Founder of Email – Shiva Ayyadurai

Founder of Google – Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Founder of Internet – Vint Cerf

Father of ‘Java’- James Gosling

Father of JQuery – John Resig
Founder of Keyboard – Christoper Latham Sholes
Founder of Microsoft – Bill Gates and Paul Allen
Founder of Mobile Phones – Martin Cooper
Founder of Mouse – Douglas Engelbart
Founders of Oracle – Ed Oates, Larry Ellison, Bob Miner

Founder of Php – Rasmus Lerdorf
Founder of USB – Ajay V.Bhatt
Founder of WWW – Tim Berners-Lee
Founder of Yahoo – Jurry Yang and David Filo..

Founder of Sixth-Sense  - Pranav Mistry
*all images taken from google images / wikipedia

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